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The Verona Area Chamber of Commerce has a variety of sponsorship opportunities for your business. By sponsoring community events, you can increase your brand recognition and exposure. This can help you reach a larger audience and build a positive reputation in the community.

To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, discuss package deals, add-ons and/or benefits adjustments, please reach out to Executive Director Le Jordan at or call 608-845-5777 to schedule a meeting.


Networking Lunch

The Verona Area Chamber of Commerce Networking Lunch is a monthly meeting held at a different restaurant in Verona every month, open to all chamber members. Each lunch draws between 30 and 50 chamber members for networking and a meal. While eating lunch, the Chamber Staff give you updates on community events and everyone in attendance has an opportunity to share news.

Stay trendy with us

The Trend Report

The Trend Report is a shared Professional Development feature between the Verona and Mount Horeb Chambers of Commerce. Even months are at the Verona Area Chamber of Commerce office, and Odd months at Buck & Honey's in Mount Horeb.

Copy of June Business After 5

Chamber Happy Hour

The Chamber Happy Hour is an informal monthly get-together at one of Verona's Bars. Free appetizers provided and a cash bar.


Website Advertising

Our website is the home base for all our members to find information, register for events, contact other members, post jobs, and more. This is also the go-to site for the community to find a business and see our community calendar.

Chamber News (1920 x 1080 px)


Members may sponsor the weekly update that goes out to 700+ members and subscribers.


Chamber Mega Mixer

May 15, 2025

We invite Chambers from all different communities and backgrounds to participate. Members can expand their network beyond their hometown! Last year, we had 15 area chambers included and over 350 registrants!

(Must be a member of any participating Chamber to sponsor)


Chamber Golf Outing

July 11, 2025 | 9 am - 5 pm

Our members love this golf outing! With the help of our sponsors, we offer each player lunch, dinner, beverage tickets, goody bags, special games and holes, raffles -- all while playing a friendly round of golf!

Extended benefit description document available upon request

Non-Member Pricing +$250 to each level


Spring Egg-Stravaganza

April 19, 2025 | 9 am - 12 pm

Our Community egg hunt is a true EGGStravaganza, with every child "finding" 6 eggs and we'll have games, crafts, and food trucks! Event draws 1,500 - 2,000 attendees per year.

* = Benefits dependent on registering as a sponsor by print deadlines
Non-Member Pricing +$250 to each level


Verona Hometown Days

June 6-8, 2025

Verona Hometown Days is a three day festival that includes Wenzel Amazements Carnival, the Optimists Club Food Court, Beer Tent, popular local bands like Cherry Pie, the prize-winning Spin the Wheel game, kids tent, petting zoo, pony rides and more!

* = Benefits dependent on registering as a sponsor by print deadlines
Non-Member Pricing +$250 to each level


Hometown Brewdown

May 31

A Gathering of regional breweries with seasonal offerings and favorites to sample. Draws 800 - 1k guests

* = Benefits dependent on registering as a sponsor by print deadlines
Non-Member Pricing +$250 to each level


Concerts in the Park

June - August, 2025

Sponsorship benefits extend to all scheduled concerts. Now located at the new Century School Park

* = Benefits dependent on registering as a sponsor by print deadlines
Non-Member Pricing +$250 to each level


Fall Fest

September 26 | 4 pm - 9 pm

Included in 2024's Top Ten Best Fall Festivals in the Country by USAToday, our Fall Fest draws between 2k-4k to our city.

* = Benefits dependent on registering as a sponsor by print deadlines
Non-Member Pricing +$250 to each level


Hometown Holidays

First Friday of December

Includes ice skating, trolley rides, caroling, fire pits, holiday treats and pictures with Santa

* = Benefits dependent on registering as a sponsor by print deadlines
Non-Member Pricing +$250 to each level

Reindeer Sq (1080 x 1080 px)

Reindeer Live

First Saturday of December

Meet Santa’s reindeer and get family pictures in Santa’s Sleigh. Draws 1k - 2k to 2 hour event.

* = Benefits dependent on registering as a sponsor by print deadlines
Non-Member Pricing +$250 to each level